
Here are the EXCLUSIVE DETAILS of the mass protests planned by RAILA ODINGA.

Monday May 26, 2014 - The Kenya
DAILY POST has managed to get
exclusive details of CORD rallies planned
countrywide once former Prime Minister
Raila Odinga jets back on Saturday from a
three month political tour of the US.
Just like the 2007 Orange Democratic
Movement (ODM) strategy – “41 against
1” now the CORD mandarins have come up with “40 against 2”
The 4o tribes will be symbolized by 40 rallies which they have planned,
starting from this weekend.
In the organization, former Prime Minister, Raila Odinga will be referred to as
“GENERAL” where Kalonzo and Wetangula will be his “LIUTENANTS”
Other CORD members will be referred as “SUBJECTS” and they must be
answerable to lieutenants. Kalonzo will cover, Eastern, Central, Coast and
North Eastern.
Wetangula, who is also the Bungoma Senator, will be in charge of Nairobi,
Western Nyanza and Rift Valley .
Raila will be the overall General who will coordinate all the rallies with the
help of Wetangula and Kalonzo.
The main aim of the rallies is to see the ousting of President Uhuru Kenyatta
and his Deputy , William Ruto.

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