
CID man REVEALS all over Speaker’s disappearance – He was UHURU's PA when this..

Monday May 26, 2014 - The CID man
arrested for kidnapping the Embu
Speaker, Justus Kariuki Mate, finally
spilled the beans over his disappearance
say ing the Embu Speaker has a dark past
which is haunting him.
In his statement to the police, Nicholas
Muriuki Kagani, a CID officer attached to the Pangani CID office, revealed that
Mate wanted to meet him over a fake certificate of good conduct which he had
organized for him before he went missing my steriously .
Nicholas said after calling Mate to meet at Choma Zone along Thika Road to
finalize plans to help him get a fake clearance over what he did in the past, the
Embu Speaker did not turn up and this scared him too.
He said Mate feared he could not get a certificate of good conduct through
normal channels after he was arrested in 2008 by Kenya Anti-Corruption
Commission for soliciting a bribe from Halima Hassan to be nominated to the
Nairobi City Council.
Mate, who was then an aide to the Local Government Minister, Uhuru
Kenyatta, was caught red handed on camera receiving sh140, 000 in treated
cash before he was pounced on and charged for fraud.
Mate is said to have needed the fake clearance to put his records in order
following the protracted fight with Governor Wambora that led to his
impeachment twice

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