
She once beat up her husband in public – Killer cop CAROLINE KANGOGO described as very dangerous by her colleagues.


Corporal Caroline Kangogo

Killer cop, Caroline Kangogo, had been involved in several dramas with her lovers, the majority of whom are police officers. Although she was married, she was cheating on her husband with multiple men. Her colleagues described her as a very dangerous and hot-tempered woman. 

One of her colleagues revealed that she was feared by many police officers because of her chequered life. She once beat her husband in public and subjected one of her lovers to mob justice after raising a false alarm.

 “She is feared by many police officers as she is known to cause problems for her lovers. “One day after she disagreed with one of her lovers, she raised a false alarm and the man was beaten up by a mob. “He was arrested and thrown in police cells before it was discovered that he was also an officer who had been framed.

 “In another incident, she beat up her husband in public after they disagreed,” the officer said.

 John Ogweno, the 28-year-old police officer that she brutally murdered on Sunday, had been warned by his colleagues to be careful after they discovered that he was secretly dating the rogue cop.

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