
A Tsunami against UHURUTO is coming in Rift Valley! - RAILA ODINGA’s last laugh

Tuesday May 27, 2014 - A major
rebellion against the Jubilee
administration is brewing in Rift Valley
over how the Jubilee Government is
handling the Kalenjin community affairs,
Bomet Governor, Issack Ruto has warned.
Speaking on Monday , Ruto cautioned
President Uhuru Kenyatta and his Deputy
William Ruto not underrate the boiling political temperatures in the region.
He said,

 “Our people are beginning to get tired. People are realizing that this is a
coalition between the DP and the President and not between parties ….. It is
only a matter of time before things get out of hand,”

See also: RAILA ODINGA jets back but again returns to US … Good news for UHURU/ RUTO

Ruto said the Kalenjin nation is asking legitimate questions, which the
President and his deputy are arrogantly ignoring.
“When we ask questions about Kiplimo Rugut, we need clear answers. When
the DP comes out and take responsibility for his sacking, we are shocked,”
Ruto said.
Mr Rugut, the former Director of National Y outh Service (NY S) was
transferred and replaced by Dr Nelson Githinji, causing an uproar within
United Republican Party (URP).
The outspoken Bomet Governor told Mr Ruto to listen to the voice of the
people and warned him that the region is unhappy with the Jubilee
The governor also claimed that Deputy President’s allies are behind attempts
to impeach Governors in the Rift Valley .

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