
30 county reps oppose plan to oust governor

Bungoma County Assembly members allied to the Amani coalition have criticised plans to impeach Governor Kenneth Lusaka.
There was no need to threaten Mr Lusaka with impeachment on flimsy grounds yet to be tabled in the assembly, said Minority Leader John Musakali.
Mr Musakali, who led more than 30 county representatives linked to the coalition in throwing their weight behind the governor, told a news conference in Bungoma Town that county residents wanted service delivery and were tired of power games.

“We should not be in a political and election mood year in, year out. We recently had the Senate by-election. We need to give leaders time to settle down and work.”
He defended the implementation of the fertiliser policy, saying it was done in accordance with the law and that it would be wrong to criticise the governor at this stage.
“Members of the county assembly even participated in the distribution of the input to beneficiaries,” Mr Musakali said.
He maintained that the policy went through the assembly before the fertiliser was given out, contrary to claims by those pushing for the governor’s removal.
He said the law allows for single sourcing and Rhino Cement Company, being the only manufacturer of the Mavuno fertiliser that was recommended, won the tender.
“The method of procurement will be interrogated by the assembly when audit reports are tabled,” he said.

Mr Martin Wanyonyi, a member of the county assembly nominated by New Ford Kenya to represent the disabled, said the issues raised by Mr Majimbo Okumu and his Cord side regarding the impeachment plans should be brought to the floor of the assembly and debated.

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