
RAILA ODINGA jets back but again returns to US … Good news for UHURU/ RUTO

Tuesday May 27, 2014 - Former Prime
Minister Raila Odinga is expected to
return to Kenya on Saturday 31 st from
the US with a grand reception party
awaiting him at the Kenyatta
International Convention Centre (KICC)
and a series of rallies across the country .
However, despite his much hyped comeback, the former PM does not intend
to stay long in Kenya because he will immediately go back to the US for
another university lecture tour.

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The CORD leader, who is popularly referred to as the People’s ‘President’ is
expected back in the US before the end of the y ear for an undisclosed period
of time to do what he does best, public lectures, in various universities in the
United States of America.
Raila Odinga’s diary is so full that he may not have enough time to be with his
sy cophants who have missed him for the last three months he has been away
in the US.
Raila’s tour of the US has impressed the host, Boston University , among other
universities who have requested for another of his inspirational lectures
before the y ear ends.
Among the universities Raila Odinga lectured include Harvard, Columbia
University , Princeton University , Elizabeth City States University and
University of Massachusetts.

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