
A former PNU Minister living in servant’s quarter in Hurlingham, Nairobi and begs for food.

 A former Minister in the Kibaki administration is
currently living in servant’s quarter in
Hurlingham Estate, after he squandered
all the money he looted during the Kibaki
The former Minister, who was a member
of Party of National Unity (PNU) was
spotted even begging for food from
neighbors after he was thrown out by his constituents in last year’s General
The former flashy Minister is said to have squandered all his money with
prostitutes and even abandoned his wife during his heydays.
Apparently , he once purchased air tickets for 12 girls who accompanied him
to Dubai for a week long romp in a top rated hotel.
He paid the hotel Sh 5 million and each girl went away with sh 100,000 after
entertaining the once randy minister.
As an old adage goes “who ever goes up the ladder always comes down”
The once loaded Mheshimiwa is now at the mercy of ‘commoners’ he used to
look down upon. How fast things change!

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