
Student thanks Prophet Owour-I am blind no more

At the point when a few occupants of Eldoret chose to clean the streets with cleanser in readiness for a visit by a heading evangelist last April, pessimists were shocked. Anyway to many professors, making a clean way was the ideal approach to welcome 'Forceful Prophet' Dr Edward Owuor. Among the eager swarm were two Moi University understudies, Janet Chelimo and Sonia Oduor, who were diabetic and visually impaired individually. "I lost my sight in 2004 when I experienced Meningitis. Anyhow throughout the gathering, I began to see," clarifies Sonia. 

The jaunty understudy let us know how her confidence and faith in marvel took her to the campaign. "I had just joined Repentance and Holiness Church for three weeks preceding the campaign, and my companions urged me to trust in the Lord," uncovers Sonia. She arranged herself early and went to the gathering joined by her companions. "I solicited one from my companions to portray where we were situated. She let me know we were near the sacrificial table. All of a sudden, I could see a transport close-by and everything appeared interesting. I could see and spell works on the transport," she said.

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