
Kenyan professor in Canada to challenge Uhuru for the presidency in 2017

Joseph Mburu, an assistant professor at the University of Regina, is hoping to return to his native Kenya and run for president.
Mburu, who teaches political science at the U of R, was born and raised in Kenya. He hasn’t lived there for 10 years, but remains intensely interested in the welfare of the country’s citizens.
He says government corruption and needless poverty is inspiring him to return home and run for office.
“I want to go to Kenya and run for the president in the 2017 general elections,” Mburua told CBC News in a recent interview, adding his goals are “proper government, proper accountability [and] use of public funds in the right way.”
Currently, Mburu is working on getting a political party, called the People’s Welfare Party, registered in Kenya.
He said his plan is to return to Kenya and begin a presidential campaign in the summer of 2015.

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