
Terrified Police Reservists surrender guns for fear of attacks in Lamu.Who will protect the mwananchi!?

Eight Kenya Police Reservists ( KPR) have surrendered their weapons to police in the wake of dreading they will be assaulted and robbed by aggressors threatening inhabitants of Lamu and Tana River Counties. The eight who incorporate a boss and his aide said they have been getting reports and dangers of assaults focusing on them on the grounds that they are furnished. The boss for Milimani Location Yusuf Nur told our sources he headed the other KPR authorities in giving back where its due to the Kiunga police headquarters on Sunday evening for their wellbeing. "We would prefer not to be hurt on the grounds that we are equipped.

SEE:WILLIAM RUTO’s office along Harambee Avenue, Nairobi in PANIC -find out why

There are no enough police here to guarantee our wellbeing and we will pick them once there is security," said Nur. Police at the Kiunga station affirmed eight weapons with more than 200 slugs had been surrendered and they were expecting two more. The advancement was after shooters struck Pandanguo town in Lamu County burning houses, school and robbed Kenya Police Reservists of six firearms.

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