
You won't believe this!Is MWAI KIBAKI realy doing this!?

Allegations blowing in the air indicate that the former President Mwai Kibaki STOLE a court file containing details of the case in which he was sued over appointments he made at the Kanya Seed Company(KSC) while still  in office.
 Judges Phillip Waki, Patrick Kiage and Karanja from the Court of Appeal  heard that the file went missing when the appeal was filled and Kibaki is the most probable culprit concerning the disappearance.
Muiruri Ngugi Kibaki's lawyer refuted this allegations, saying that there is no way his client could have stole the file and even in the first place they had no idea that the file was missing.

CNN, BBC, AL JAZEERA know that Hon.Raila Odinga is the president.Find out how...

In regard to this, now the former president wants this case against dismissed due to this events that pluged into it.Judges advised KSC lawyer, Stephen Mwenesi, to advise his client to withdraw the case even if they won since they cannot sue the president.
“You have a duty to speak to your clients and advise them accordingly that
they are in an expedition of incurring costs. Can one sue the President?” asked the

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