
CNN, BBC, AL JAZEERA know that Hon.Raila Odinga is the president.Find out how...

 Addresing a crowd at Eastleigh,Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga claimed that most of the foreigh media houses recognizes him as the legitimate president of Kenya. He went ahead stating that those media houses frequantly call him to ask about anything that's is happening in Kenya and any problem affecting Kenyans,which only the president needs to talk about. He gave an example of an incident that happened in April this year and early May where Somalis and Muslims were concentrated at Kasarani saying that the likes of BBC, CNN and Alijazeera called him asking him about what is happening un Kenya,despite the fact that he himself was way far in Boston,USA.

See Also:Help UHURUTO run the country Please, RAILA ODINGA, use your global connections to help UHURUTO run the country

He added that during the last year's terror attack at Westgate Shopping Mall that left around 70 people dead and several others injured,over 50 foreign media houses phoned him asking for details of attackers. The former prime minister said that it's just a small group of Kenyans that doesn't realise that he's the "legitimate Kenya's president" because he emerged a winner in two consecutive elections which he was rigged out in 2007 by Kibaki and 2013 by Uhuru Kenyatta.

Hon.Raila Odinga promised the wananchi that he will look into the issue of miraa,which were burned from UK bring at halt many business that relied on miraa exportation. Raila assured the people that he will personally right to the UK asking the to lift the ban.

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