
Yet another PROPHECY! UHURUTO will be out before December!

The Jubilee organization will bite the dust a moderate demise prior to the end of the year and the opposition will take the driving seat, former Governance PS, John Githongo, has said.

In his week after week section in one of the major dailies, Githongo said it is getting clear that the Jubilee organization would appear to be imploding in moderate movement.

Githongo said all signs are that the Jubilee organization may not last for the following one year as minority of Kenyans anticipated.

See Also:Hon.Raila will be the president in 3 weeks time,says Kalonzo.

“Uhuru Kenyatta’s regime faces the particular ignominy of becoming the
laughing stock of its own people and the subject of sneering derision, as was
seen on social media in response to his “digital government” insisting in this
day and age on the “airlifting of presidential speeches” on the pretext of
ensuring their security,” Githongo said

He said terrible things will happen to Kenya in the impending one month on the grounds that Jubilee leaders have declined to listen to the voices of the individuals.

Githongo said a wild unrest is prominent in Kenya on the grounds that President Uhuru Kenyatta and his Deputy , William Ruto, have both fizzled the nation .

He mentioned banning of miraa by the UK Government, tourism warnings by Western Governments, saying these are a portion of the issues that will make Uhuru and Ruto lose the authenticity of leading Kenyans.

He said he anticipates a Raila Odinga Presidency before the end of the year
adding that Uhuru represents the elite and Raila for the poor people who are the lion's share in Kenya.

“It seems the people of Kenya have spoken,” Githongo concluded.

See Also:RAILA cautions UHURUTO of terrible things in 3 weeks – US/UK/ EU know am President

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