
Here is what MIKE SONKO’s son and his mother (ex-LOVER) are planning for him for mistreating them!

 Flashy Nairobi Representative, Mike Mbuvi Sonko, is in deep
trouble for mistreating his ex-lovers
among them the mother of his son,
Josephine Wanjeri Thuku.

This is after his Class 8 child, who he has

dismissed in the wake of dumping his mother

hopelessly , promised to requital all the torment Mike Sonko has created him and the


As indicated by his mother, Wanjeri, the child is so astringent with Sonko for dismissing him while living extensive and supporting different children and at the same time creating her ache.

"My child is a biting youthful man as he gets to hear how his father, Sonko,

deals with different children in the nation while he is ignored. He has been

compelled to climate the joke of other kids who scorn him, on the grounds that his

father passes sprinkling money and never tries to visit him. He has promised to

revenge one day ," said Wanjeri, Sonko's ex-mate.

Wanjeri communicated his profound established disdain for Sonko vowing never to excuse

him saying he is the most exceedingly bad thing that ever befell him.

"He takes his family on costly occasion outings, dozing in elegant inns and

voyaging everywhere throughout the world while my child mopes in servile destitution ?" Pondered Wanjeri.

She vowed to help her child to tackle Mike Sonko.

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