
Why is UK humiliating UHURUTO this much!?Now TOTAL ban on...

The British Government has once again dealt the
Government of President Uhuru Kenyatta
and his Deputy , William Ruto, a big blow
after it imposed a total ban on miraa from
This comes only a few day s after the
United Kingdom together with the US, France and Australia issued travel
advisories to their citizens due to imminent Al-Shabaab terror attacks in
Kenya, a move that saw Western tourists evacuated from the country leaving
the tourism sector on its knees.

See Also:Raila meets Maina Njenga says Uhuru government SHOULD provide SECURITY to Maina Njenga

The British Parliament classified miraa as a drug and banned its trade and use
in the United Kingdom.
The move has been greeted with protests from miraa farmers especially in
Meru who have termed it as pure economic sabotage.
Meru leaders, led by Igembe South MP, Mithika Linturi, have threatened to
evict all British nationals, including the British Military Base in the region, and
take over their property by force, say ing they cannot allow traitors to live in
their midst.

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