
Raila meets Maina Njenga says Uhuru government SHOULD provide SECURITY to Maina Njenga

CORD leader Raila Odinga met former Mungiki leader Maina Njengawho is recovering at his Karen home after suffering a gun shot in his hand in what he has claimed was the Jubilee government’s attempt to assassinate him.
Maina recently revealed that he was threatened by former Embakasi MP Ferdinand Waititu that failure to testify in one of the ICC cases would see him dead, allegations which Waititu is yet to deny.
Maina was shot on Nairobi-Nyahururu route but escaped with injuries. His five companions were however unlucky as they were gunned down,even though allegations have it that Njega knew that he will be attacked on that very day and even he was wearing a bullet prof vest,allegations he's also yet to deny.
Mr. Odinga called on the government to provide Mr. Njenga with security.Police are yet to unravel the mystery of the fatal shooting nor who were involved. And the big question remains WHY the police are sluggish in handling the matter!?

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