
Is RAILA ODINGA attending a military program financed by CIA to overthrow UHURUTO?

Tuesday May 27, 2014 - Former Prime
Minister, Raila Odinga, has been in the US
for three months for a political program
allegedly organized by Boston University .
Although his three month tour has
elicited mixed reactions in both CORD and
Jubilee alliances, his three month
sabbatical tour has been a my stery which is y et to be resolved here in Kenya.

Last Month, Raila who is also the CORD leader, clarified that he has been in the
US for a political study after Jubilee MP and Kerugoya Central MP, Philip
Gachoki demanded that the Government explains the absence of Raila Odinga
from Kenya.

See Also:UHURUTO’s men now want RAILA ODINGA’s grand party and planned rallies cancelled

However, according to a Kenyan student who is study ing law at Boston
University in the US, Raila is not only attending a political forum in Boston
but also military training at the centre.
He said lecturers who teach at African Presidential Archives and Research
Centre are the same ones who teach Military Training at Boston University .
 The student, who sought anonymity also, said many of African leaders and
European leaders come to the centre under the guise of political forums but
end up being trained on how to overthrow their Governments with the
support of the United States.
He gave examples of newly elected Ukranian President Petro O. Poroshenko
and former Zimbabwe Prime Minister, Morgan Tsavingirai.
He said the program is purely funded by Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

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