
Uhuru Kenyatta 61 years old!?His date of birth could be fake if Google never lies. Here is all the evidence you need to know.

I owe a lot of people an apology if this article will not fit your political ideology or tribal affiliation which either way i don't intend to impress. I know how hard it is for my kinsmen to accept that tribe and politics defines us to our most self righteous and anger.If it is not the right thing to do then I pen open letter to ask for forgiveness for my due ignorance HERE But upon posting this here i bet i stand a chance to get to know the truth. The truth that might reveal for me the true date of birth of Kenya's president Uhuru Kenyatta.
My source of data and information on this is basically taken from Google search index hoping they would not lie on the data they give on heads of state biographies.

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So What is the date of birth of Uhuru Kenyatta Kenya's president.? Don't be ignorant it wont hurt to find out
Key this(What is the date of birth of Uhuru Kenyatta Kenya's president) to Google search index and this will be the result.BOLD and easy to read.

states clearly that Uhuru was born in October 26th 1961 same thing my history class teacher at Kapedo Pri Schl taught me. At this point i was all smiling because my books did not lie either for the first time after Kanyare Permangate disapproved me that Chemistry was not all that difficult subject.
But Confusion dropped in when i asked myself  ''when was Jomo Kenyatta Released from Prison''Jomohere happens to be 'legit' Uhuru's father by default that he married Mama Ngina who happens to be Uhuru's mom.
So i quickl rashto my nearest data and information on Google again,
This is the result i found out on ''when was Jomo Kenyatta Released from Prison''

 in part the answer given to me by Google is
 '' Kenyatta was arrested by the British on October 20, 1952 for  years  and released from prison in August 1961...'' Read Here
So i grab my calculator having not been good student to máthēma which is Greek language to  Mathematics 
lets add the year Jomo was arrested and the number jail terms he served in prison

ADD 1952+9 =

The correct answer should be 1961 which is the year Jomo Kenyatta was released from prison and happens to be the same the year Uhuru Kenyatta was born.This is not clear for me.
 If Jomo was arrested for 9 years then he comes back and find baby boy bouncing on chair and name him Uhuru Kenyatta? 
If you are any years above 5yrs and reading this we  all  by default that for a child(foetus or aborted) to be born sex must have taken place 9 months before the date of birth and having that very basic biology in mind we as well know that for 9 years Jomo was arrested and that meant he never saw,met,touched a woman (Mama Ngina inckuded)  so that they may/might  have engaged on sexual act that would bring for us our 'Kamwana' Uhuru Mwigai Kenyatta.
At this point i walk home faint hearted writing this in a cyber all my efforts to have this answer When Was Uhuru Kenyata born keeps escaping me.Alas.

Either of this is then possible:
  1. ...Uhuru Kenyatta faked his birth Certificate to read October 26, 1961 (age 53 years) to make him look less younger for political successions in Kenya. But i cant say that's a rumor worth ignoring
  2. ...Mama Ngina should tell us who is the father of Uhuru Kenyatta or explain to us the magic she used to sneak into Kamiti and have Mzee Jomo Kenyatta implant the seed of life in her womb.
  3. ...We stand a chance as Kenya to accept the apology we might be given suppose Uhuru Kenyatta is 61yrs old. Because its only obvious that the last time Mzee Kenyatta slept with Mama Ngina was (1952) 9 years before Uhuru was born
  1. AND lastly that i stand to be corrected comment and educate me
Receive my apology here if this article will cause anxiety to ignorant minds.I choose to be anonymous so i will no credit my name here. You know what happened the last time Mutai talked about illicit government issues.

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