
Shame on UHURU/ RUTO! See how they duped KALENJINs ‐ Many fainted & collapsed

 Deputy President William Ruto has come under the microscope again after squatters evicted from Mau Forest fainted and collapsed yesterday in Bomet after walking for several kilometers looking for him and his friend, President Uhuru Kenyatta, to resettle them. The over 500 squatters walked for over 215 kilometers to Bomet to show the whole country how Uhuru/ Ruto have been lying that they resettled all squatters when they had not. The victims, who had been camping at the boundary between the Mau Forest Complex and Konoin Constituency, arrived in Bomet yesterday after three days of trekking tired, hungry and thirsty.

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The tired, hungry and emaciated old men and women and children fainted and collapsed upon reaching Bomet as those left with little strength rushed to quench their thirst from a water tanker in the compound of Governor Isaac Ruto’s office. According to them, Uhuru/ Ruto’s Government left them out when it embarked on resettling squatters on the pretext that it was the Grand Coalition Government under Mwai Kibaki and Raila Odinga that evicted them not Jubilee. However, they vowed to fight for their resettlement and begged Governor Ruto to intervene. “We cannot continue to live like animals in tattered tents without food and medical provisions. Most of us have died from the harsh weather and we fear if we continue living there we will all die,” said Simon Ngeno, a spokesman of the group.

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