
Finally names of those who killed ICC witness, YEBEI, are out as the police receive list!

International Criminal Court (ICC) mole, Ken Wafula, has supplied the police with a list of names of the people who kidnapped and killed ICC witness, Meshack Yebei. This comes just days after Yebei’s body was found lying at a mortuary in Voi and a DNA test confirmed it belongs to him. Speaking to the media yesterday,

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Wafula, who is also the CEO for the Centre for Human Rights and Democracy, challenged the Government of President Uhuru Kenyatta and his Deputy, Wiliam Ruto, to swing into action and arrest all those linked to the killing of Meshack Yebei. He noted that the list handed over to the head of Serious Crimes and Prevention Unit (SCPU) at DCI headquarters, Mr. John Kariuki, contains the names of all the people connected to the kidnapping and subsequent killing of the ICC witness and that they should be arrested and charged with Yebei’s murder without any further delay. “We have given the SCPU head all the names of the people who were directly involved in Yebei’s kidnapping and killing and we expect him to arrest them,” said Wafula. Yebei was kidnapped more than two months ago and his body found at the Man Easters Forest in Tsavo before being taken to Voi mortuary.

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