
REVEALED:JUBILEE issued fake title deeds and processed more for the dead to grab land!Was Raila Odinga right!?

This could be one of another biggest scandal to go down under less than one year of UHURU/RUTO leadership. Apparently, after Uhuru Kenyatta and William Ruto issuing squatters in the coastal region, another 2,000 fresh errors have been discovered.

It emerged out that the acreage of land listed and title deeds issued by Kenyatta and Ruto to the squatters in Kilifi County was much much lower than the actual land they live and farm on. This leads to the big quation here as to whom really owns the rest of the land.

See Also:WELCOME to R.Valley, URP tells Raila

This eye opening revelation,that will indeed Spackle another political supremacy battle between CORD and JUBILEE was made by the County Executive Committee Member that are in charge of Physical Planning,Mr.John Mazuri,while responding to a remark by Adu Ward Reo,Stanly Kenga.
In addition to this,William Kamoti,MP for Rabai,futher revealed that the ministry of land under Charity Ngilu made extra land title deeds for people who died long time ago and thus making it difficult for their kin to transfer ownership.He requested the Uhuru/ Ruto’s Government, through the Lands
Ministry , to correct the anomaly as fast as possible.
Earlier on, there were still problems with the same titles after banks refused to
accept them as collateral for loans because most of them were not genuine.
Former PM, Raila Odinga, was opposed to the issuance of titles in the Coastal
region saying move is a scheme by Uhuru/ Ruto to grab land besides
using it to gain competitive advantage against CORD in 2017.

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