
I’m nothing without RAILA ODINGA and he’s nobody without me ‐ KIDERO now confesses

Embattled Nairobi Governor, Dr. Evans Kidero, has told off those calling for his suspension from the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) due to his alleged association with ‘enemies’ ­ President Uhuru Kenyatta and his Deputy, William Ruto ­ to go to hell because that will never happen.

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Speaking yesterday at his office, Kidero said he is in ODM to stay and that he is going nowhere. The Nairobi Governor dismissed his alleged frosty relationship with party leader Raila Odinga saying the two are good buddies and they complement each other. He noted that Raila trusts him so much the same way he trusts the ex­PM and that without one, the other is irrelevant and nobody. “I am nothing without Raila Odinga and he is equally nobody without me and we trust each other a lot, that’s the nature of our relationship,” said Kidero.

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