
Uhuru Propaganda machine finally CRUMBLING

Is Uhuru propaganda going down? for the last one week the Statehouse Propaganda juggernaut has been run-over like Kibaki’s presidential 2007 campaign. It is now rumoured in the HIGHstreets that the president’s PR team is embroiled in tussle for control of resources.
Many are demoralized by the entry of new faces like ODM’s Ngunjiri Wambugu in getting direct funding for a campaign to discredit ICC while most of the diehard TNA bloggers/propagandists/online gurus have since the aftermath of the 2013 triumph of Uhuru in controversial supreme court ruling have not been rewarded adequately.
Other sources differed saying most of the TNA propagandists whose qualification is only mid-level college Diploma are on consultancy retainer that pays better than permanent Public Service Commission low level jobs that pay peanuts. Public service appoints graduates at Job K onwards and non graduates entry can enter from as low as H to J grades.
The tension among Uhuru’s propaganda team became visible in an article published in Daily Nation that sought to clense Nyeri Women Rep Pricillah Nyokabi from damning allegations that she helped the ICC prosecution in collecting evidence for the crimes against humanity case in the Hague.
CLICK the Screen shots below to read the war of words between Itumbi, Ngunjiri, Mastanga and other Jubilee social media gurus

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