
Ten weird city council laws...1. Blow your nose properly...

Laws are there to govern, and everybody should be conversant with them. But in Nairobi, there are ‘funny’ ones you would not imagine exist, and a large number most residents are in the blue about the rules. They are funny, witty and weird...

 1. Blow your nose properly 
Apparently it is against the law to put a finger on one’s nose and... You get the idea, right? Published on city county’s webpage, the law clearly states ‘one should use a suitable cloth or tissue’ to clean their nose.  So next time you are seated in a matatu and someone tries that...alight and run to Supreme Court.

 2. Don’t play, ride or drive on a footpath
We all know how crazy traffic can be especially when the heavens open.  If you are regular user of Buru’s manyangas, you know this drill...the driver will take over the footpath leaving the tuzee whispering the Lord’s Prayer while the young will be taking a  selfie with the driver (as a thank you). If you didn’t know, this is illegal and can land one in Kamiti. So next time you are tempted to drive on the footpath...be warned! Further, the law states it is an offence to play any game on a footpath.

See Also: Just like OBAMA, I support HOMOSEXUALITY in Kenya - RAILA ODINGA says

3. Buildings must be painted yearly
I am sure you have seen those buildings in town that have the discolouration of Independence Day newspapers; charred and tired. Well, according to city council laws, all buildings must be painted every year. So start wishing the city relics could soon be treated to Marangi’s dosage every month when you walk in town.


4. You just can’t wash your car anywhere
According to city county laws, unless it is an emergency, kanjo can arrest you for washing, repairing or dismantling your vehicle in a prohibited area. Next time you are tempted to give your car a bath outside a public building, be warned; that’s illegal!

5. Fence your land properly, or else...
Failure to fence or fencing your land ‘inappropriately’ can land one in jail. Further, disposing of harmful objects in the streets is also against the city laws.

 6. Plant trees, but...
You live close to a road? Plant trees, since they beautify the environment. However, if it poses any danger to human traffic, then sorry, the law will not be very kind. You risk some jail time.

 7. Queue on a bus stop if more than six        
 Sounds strange, right? City law demands if you are more than six passengers at a terminus, then you must queue. No jostling. No scrambling. Big Brother is watching...

 8. Hawkers must have badges
Whether hawking boiled eggs, Pari Hilton’s shoes or that electric cooker, the law demands every licensed hawker must have a badge for identification. This might sound like a ‘pie-in the-sky’ law but let’s just say...it’s a brilliant idea and kudos to whoever who tabled it! 

9. You can’t unblock your drainage
No matter how awful the smell from your drainage is, it is the responsibility of the City County to clean that mess. Yeah. The law demands you stay clear of kanjo’s job, least you land in jail.  Apparently, the people with the ‘skills’ are there and know which hole to poke and how...

10. You can’t clean a gate
We don’t understand this one. But, we shall rest our case. On a lighter note, many people have been arrested for driving or walking while on phone, yet it is not stated as a punishable offence in the website. Is it a case of different strokes?

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