

Shocking is what many are saying on reading the inciting post on Facebook made by Moses Kuria who prides himself as one of the political advisors to the president and a commentator in various TV's political shows locally.
The political 'expert ' and a close man to the power with  sensation called out for a genocide on perceived enemies and urged Kenyans to get guns and go to war. Though his post was quickly edited and other posts deleted after drawing criticism from his followers, below is the unedited post;

" I think its just a matter of time before Kenyans start violence against PERCEIVED terrorists, their sympathisers, their financiers and those issuing travel advisories without sharing intelligence. I am not sure I will not be one of those Kenyans. When you touch Gikomba the nerve centre of our economic enterprise,you really cross the line. Brace yourself. Choices have consequences.The madness will not end till you take up arms to defend your motherland.We need guts, guns and God. This is not about Muhoro, Gichangi et all. Stop the blame game. Take up guns and defend your motherland, your mothers, your sisters and your daughters! I am sure of many things but am not clear whether ODM is working for Al Shabaab or Al Shabaab is working for ODM.
Mine(emphasis) is a call to violence against terrorists and their sympathisers like yourself. You don't coordinate terrorist attacks from Boston and get away with it.Why arrest someone who is a dead man walking, politically speaking? "

Ironically, there's those who agreed with him, the comments that followed were chilling as his 'tribesmen' agreed with him and went as far as asking for the guns to be released to them kazi ianze(massacre ) click to enlarge screenshots if not visible 

 This is not the first time for the 'expert' to release such tastes of statements,he is currenrly on the spot after a voice recording of him and David Matsanga plotting to kill and silence blogger Robert Alai for being a loud mouth towards jubilee goverment,though Alai reported him and presented the recording the two 'killers' are yet to be summoned by police for questioning.

With his statement baring all the magnitude of incitement to instigate violence and ethnic to be precise it will be interesting to see if the police and responsible cohesion bodies will bring him to book or wether he will Scot free with such an irresponsible post that calls for ethnic cleansing when Kenya us still recovering from the hitting 2008 PEV.

Should he be arrested or left? What do you think of Moses Kuria and his post.

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