
Is UHURU preparing MUDAVADI for Nairobi Governor and President in 2022? RUTO may hang

Amani Presidential candidate and UDF leader Musalia Mudavadi could be the next Governor for Nairobi if word on the “political streets” is anything to believe. According to some murmurs in Kenya’s political circles, President Uhuru Kenyatta is working tirelessly to bring back Mudavadi, who they locked out after the formation of the Jubilee Alliance Party with William Ruto, to consolidate the Luhya bloc. Pundits believe that the President is preparing Mudavadi to go for the Nairobi Governor’s seat in 2017 as he prepares him to take over the Presidency after him in 2022. The rumour goes ahead to suggest that Deputy President William Ruto is nowhere near Uhuru’s succession plan because he can’t be trusted as knows ‘too much’, and is said to be aware that Uhuru’s people may not support him in 2022. By bringing Mudavadi closer to him, Uhuru would be driving the last nail in Rut0’s political coffin. The Deputy President is well aware that his greatest threat to ascending to the Presidency is none other than Mudavadi and his Luhya bloc, which is why he has tried hard to ensure Luhyas do not unite. Efforts by Mudavadi to rebrand UDF to ANC in order to bring Luhyas together have been fought from right, left and center by the URP wing of the Jubilee Government because Luhya unity spells doom for Ruto. Uhuru has also given former House Speaker Kenneth Marande a job at Kenya Power and Lighting Company (KPLC) in order to seek peace and favours from the Luhyas who are technically in the political cold as we speak.

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