
You are lying,‪ ‎ODM ‬ tells Jubile.

Nairobi, Kenya:Orange Democratic Movement has released a report card on theJubileegovernment's performance in the past one year.
In a statement sent to newsrooms by acting party leader Anyang' Nyong'o,ODMaccused the government of not fulfilling its promises."When theJubileeCoalition took over power it promised Kenyans many things it has not fulfilled one year after being in office." read the statement. " Lap tops for school children: nothing. Digitalized government: nothing. Free maternitycare for expecting mothers: grossly under funded. A place to feel at homein Kenya: we now live under perpetual insecurity. A unified and prosperous nation: divisive politics and the politics of exclusion continue to divide our people withJubileeleaders as the chief architects of this " divide and rule politics," the statementread.ODMsaid the country was becoming more and more isolated from the international community of nation and called the trend "worrying"saying that Kenya's  development partners had been humiliated "by a stance in international relations laced with arrogance and nationalistic jingoism."The statement ended with an inviation to read a "score card" on howJubilee"is misgoverning Kenyans and our proposals on what need to be done in agriculture, land, energy, other infrastructure, education, health, industry and governance in general."Below is the complete unedited statement.THE LIES THAT JUBILEE TELLWhen theJubileeCoalition took over power it promised Kenyans many things it has not fulfilled one year after being in office. Lap tops forschool children: nothing. Digitalized government: nothing. Free maternitycare for expecting mothers: grossly under funded. A place to feel at homein Kenya: we now live under perpetual insecurity. A unified and prosperous nation: divisive politics and the politics of exclusion continue to divide our people withJubileeleaders as the chief architects of this " divide and rule politics."What is even more worrying is that Kenya is becoming more and more isolated from the international community of nations. Our development partners have been humiliated by a stance in international relations laced with arrogance and nationalistic jingoism which brings with it self inflicted wounds and missed opportunities in development corporation in Kenya's global interests. Sooner rather than later this politics of isolation will begin hurting our people directly particularly in the social sectors: health, education and water provision.Development partners who have worked with us in these sectors are pulling out due to lack of positive engagement by theJubileeleaders.ODMbelieves in constructive engagement with all our developmentpartners rather than the isolationist diplomacy ofJubilee.It is in the face of this rapid decline ineffective leadership that we decided to delve deep into the "lies thatJubileehas been telling Kenyans" about pursuing their manifesto so that Kenyans can wake up to the serious situation we are facing with the current regime. As a watchdog government in waiting our responsibility is to analyze, criticize, enlighten, expose, shade light and show the way to a better and"CORDED" Kenya.Having ascended to power through a controversial Supreme Court decision, and knowing full well that the IEBC did a hopeless job in managing the last elections,Jubileeshould have moved first to address radical reforms in the elections body. It has not. Instead it is now engaged in maneuvers to engage the discredited personnel in that elections body for the further rigging of future elections. Just more problems for ournation. Our coalition has called for a radical transformation of the IEBC and a truly independent body to manage the next elections.
he projects thatJubileekeepson touting as their successes areactually Vision 2030 projects that they have inherited from both the NARC and the Grand Coalition government. These are long term infrastructure projects whose fruition are rightly being realized now. The problem is that, due to greed and kickbacks,Jubileehas now loaded these projects with debt burdens that will weigh heavilyand unfairly on future generations. We see this in the SGR project as well as the energy sector where kickbacks infirm board room wars.What is worse isJubilee's killing of the national institutions set up by NARC to steer Vision 2030. These are the National Economic and Social Council (NESC) and the Secretariat for Vision2030. No doubt the politics of"opaqueness" requires that such institutions die.More worrying to us is the creeping authoritarianism coming back to the center stage if Kenyan politics at a time when we should be expanding democratic governance and strengthening devolution. In implementing Article 17 of the Sixth Schedule of the Constitution, Cabinet Secretary Anne Waiguru should have presented to the Senate Committee on Devolution a government sessional Paper on the restructuring of the ProvincialAdministration "to accord with devolution" and not to impose new structures of the old system by fiat from above. Such a paper would then havebeen debated in Parliament. This has not happened and an unnecessary crisis has now been manufactured byJubilee.We invite you to read and discuss our detailed score card on howJubileeis misgoverning Kenyans and ourproposals on what need to be done in agriculture, land, energy, other infrastructure, education, health, industry and governance in general.Sen. (Prof.) P. Anyang' Nyong'oAg. Party LeaderMay 21, 2014

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