
TNA chairman, secretary in war of words

The wrangles between The National Alliance (TNA) party officials in Nyeri County on Saturday played out during a press conference held at their offices in Skuta Estate.

The meeting had been called to slam area MP, Priscillah Nyokabi, following claims that she ‘fixed’ President Uhuru Kenyatta and his deputy Willam Ruto at the International Criminal Court (ICC).

The party’s County chairman, Thuo Mathenge said Nyokabi should appear before the officials on November 21 to explain why a disciplinary action should not be taken against her in regard to the ICC claims.

In a statement, Thuo alleged that Nyokabi was involved in coaching prosecution witnesses in order to fix President Uhuru and former head of civil service Francis Muthaura.

The remarks did not go well with party’s County Secretary General, Regina Macharia, who later made a dissenting statement.

However, the allegations read out by Thuo had been copied from social media sites posted by a pro-government activist, David Mastanga.

“Matsanga alleged that while at the helm of Kituo Cha Sheria, you were given the task to destroy the Kenyatta establishment through ICC by documenting and arranging false Mungiki witnesses from Nyeri to give false evidence against President Uhuru Kenyatta,” Thuo said.

“It is alleged that you wrote to the ICC requesting it not to allow the Kenyan cases to be heard in Kenya or any other East African courts,” Thuo added.

He stated that if Nyokabi fails to appear before the party, she will face unspecified consequences.

While denouncing the statement, Regina immediately lashed out at Thuo stating that the allegations are under investigations by the national office and Thuo would have not made such sentiments.

“The chairman would have called Nyokabi before releasing such a statement in the public. They are just allegations which have not been investigated by anybody and national disciplinary committee is the most appropriate to handle these matter not county office,” said Regina.

“This is malice and Thuo’s statement is personal not party’s stand. You can not intimidate people and elected members. Moreso, he is not involving all officials in making decisions. He is dividing us,” Regina added.

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