
Mwangi: HERE is WHY Uhuru SHOULD RESIGN, Citizens are KILLED not as ODM, TNA or URP but as Kenyans


President Harry Truman, the 33rd President of the United States of America, used to have a sign on his table that said “The buck stops here”.

In his farewell address to the people of America, he explained what these words meant:

“The President, whoever he is, has to decide. He can’t pass the buck to anyone. No one else can do the deciding job for him. That’s his job”.
So, the issue of insecurity in Kenya is not about Ole Lenku or Kimaiyo. The deciding job is not theirs. Neither is it about Karangi and his KDF. The buck does not stop with him. The buck stops on the desk of the President, and this year, Uhuru is seated on that desk.
But we don’t want to call it as it is. Some want to blame the servants, Ole Lenku, Kimaiyo, Karangi, and this new NIS guy. Some want to blame the Muslims, their clergy and Islam. No amount of diversion will remove the primary responsibility for the security of this country from the President, and thus Uhuru.

Terrorism and all the other forms of insecurity are not affecting us based on our tribes or political affiliations. We are dying as Kenyans ;Kikuyus Luos, Kisiis, Somalis etc whether they are ODM, TNA, URP, WIPER, FORD-KENYA, even UDF.

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