
Uhuru/Ruto puts Lamu Governor behind the BARS for similar CHARGES like the one they face at ICC.

State has taken a step to confine Lamu Governor Issa Timamy for 14 days as it explores him for universal wrongdoing which incorporates extradition, mass homicide and terrorism. 

Lamu representative Issa Timamy was last nighttime captured over the late killings in Mpeketoni and Kibaoni in the district that guaranteed lives of in excess of 60 individuals. Timamy had been in Nairobi for a meeting with Deputy President Ruto before he flew once more to Lamu where he was summoned for addressing and later confined. 

On Thursday, The Amani coalition dissented the way in which he was detained and charged over the late Mpeketoni killings that asserted more than 65 lives. UDF party pioneer Musalia Mudavadi in a solid worded explanation said the legislature had acted in sick confidence by subjecting the troubled representative to 'brutal medicine'. 

As indicated by Mudavadi, Timamy, who was in Nairobi on Wednesday, was asked to come back to Lamu and record an statement over the killings. He purportedly traveled to Lamu and upon landing, he was packaged into a police car and exchanged to Mombasa, an excursion that assumed control in excess of 8 prior hours he was bolted at the Kilindini Police Station overnight.

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