
Raila and the saba saba movement. Seeing things the other way...

What I know is that, every person will always try to be the best in their area of specialization. When I read "Gifted Hands" by Dr. Ben Carson he wanted to be a Doctor, but not just a Doctor, the best one when it comes to operation, every teacher wants best results and even the lion, always want to remain the King of the Jungle. For the first time, let us see Raila and his Saba Saba move as one Development instrument and unity prone agenda.
What Raila Odinga is doing is remaining the best opposition leader. That is where he best suites. He is a stalemate individual who has the following and the authenticity of the public. Many people view his move as a planned source of overthrowing the Government but that could not be his intentions. 

See Also:RAILA marshalling militias to overthrow UHURU/ RUTO -MUNGIKI/ MRC/ AL-SHABAAB

He simply need President Uhuru Kenyatta to stop being an individualistic kind of leader to refer to his Leadership as the peoples government not my government. Duale to stop public mayhem of "Jubilee Government" and call it the Government of Kenya.
I could be mistaken, but that is not wrong, every person is entitled for his argument and because of region I might be sidelined but the truth is, dialogue is the marshal power to development. Rwanda did the same, we can learn from them, South Africa under Nelson Mandela did the same to "Wazungus" after his prison term, we can see the fruits, Ivory Coast did the same under Didier Drogba through football and we can the outcome. It's high time Kenyan stop politicizing everything and start deductive reasoning to accrue development in our society. I rest my case.

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