
KIDERO still the best,says Hon.Raila Odinga

CORD pioneer Raila Odinga today paid a kindness call to Nairobi Governor Dr. Evans Kidero at City Hall, Nairobi.

This comes days after the terrible episode throughout Raila's homecoming gathering where a segment of the swarm annoyed the city representative, driving him to give the ax his discourse.

Raila was joined by a few Mps and parts of the Nairobi County get together. Likewise in participation throughout the mid morning gathering was ODM Secretary General Prof Peter Anyang' Nyong'o.

Odinga's visit brings to an end weeks of theory, regularly spurned out of extent by the media, that the two lawmakers are at loggerheads with one another.

Raila has kept up he backs Governor  Dr Evans Kidero in his endeavors to convey administrations to the inhabitants of Nairobi.

"We in Cord completely help the Governor and will guarantee that he gets all the support he needs to convey to the populace of Nairobi," he said including that Kidero has a troublesome undertaking to guarantee administration convey to the city district.

"The Governor has a troublesome errand of guaranteeing that key administrations, for example, base, training, wellbeing, rubbish gathering and the general welfare of the Nairobi individuals are conveyed," said Mr Odinga while tending to the media.

Other people who went with the CORD pioneer are T. J. Kajwang, Irshad Sumra, Mohamed Junet, Mpuri Aburi, Simba Arati, and Kibra's Ken Okoth.

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