
How the police secured former PM’s heroic rally amid fears of disorder

Kenya:More police officers were  deployed to cover the CORD processionand rally at Uhuru Park in Nairobi. This was after it emerged the crowd wasmore than expected and was emotional.Police said they had initially mobilised 1,000 personnel but added 1,000 more to address the demand.“More lorries were brought in to cover various places with anticipation of chaos but we are happy it ended well with pockets of complaints of harassment, which is normal,” said a senior officer who asked not to be named.A police chopper was also mobilised to monitor events from the air as the formerPrime Minister arrived and after the rally. Others were brought in lorries and parked at strategic places to ensure the city was safe.Thesecuritypersonnel that were being aided by hiredsecurityfirms managed to secure all sites from Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA) to the park ensuring no crime was reported as earlier feared.The officers were deployed from the JKIA, various streets that the convoy that received CORD leader Raila Odinga passed and Uhuru Park.Those at Uhuru Park literary sealed it and made sure those who walked there were thoroughly screened. Police estimates showed more than 500,000 people attended the event. And because of varioussecurityfears, police and organisers had agreed to ensure the event ended by 6pm. This was to ensure the visitors left there safely.Nairobi Deputy Police Boss Moses Ombati said they had made sure the eventwas peaceful and no incident was reported. “We gave it our best and I can declare it ended well.  We all acted maturely,” said Mr Ombati.
He said it was out of dedication from his officers and the event organisers that the event ended well. He added there were complaints from people who said they had been harassed and robbed. Apart from officers who were in uniform, others were in civilian clothing while some were the traffic personnel who were controlling the flow of vehicles and pedestrians.Tens of peopleSeniorsecurityofficials met yesterday with some organisers of the event to makelast minute plans and agreed it was perfect.The main agreement was to have the event end early. The meeting agreed on various modalities to ensure smooth running of the event. Interestingly, the final itinerary changed forsecurityreasons.
For instance, at the JKIA, a plannedpress conference was cancelled on advice from police. Raila informed journalists he was tired and would speak at the park where crowds weresurging.Onesecurityofficial said the decision was arrived at after it emerged tens of people had accessed asecurityzone and were a threat to the airport at large. This forced the CORD leaders to also leave there in a huff. At the park, the crowd was also getting impatient. The organisers were forced to bring Raila from the back side of the dais  after it emerged there was asecuritybridge.The crowd had forced through a barrier that had been created to bar them from accessing the front side. More officers kept patrolling around the park forsecurityreasons.When the event ended, police feared looting but some of those in attendance walked in groups along the streets as police monitored them from a distance.The same team of officers could be used to cover the Madaraka Day celebrations at Nyayo Stadium today.Police boss David Kimaiyo had also met the organisers of the event and agreed on various issues to do withsecurity.“I am happy the event went well as anticipated. That was good gesture from the organisers and the police at large,” he said. 

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