
"All in not Well between me and Uhuru but we will talk our way out",says Ruto.

Deputy President William Ruto has moved to
assure his Kalenjin community that he
will never betray them no matter what
and that he will do every thing within his
powers to ensure their needs are met by
the Jubilee Government before 2017 .
Speaking in Narok County over the
weekend, Ruto, although indirectly
admitted to their being some disquiet between him and President Uhuru
Kenyatta, said such misunderstandings are inevitable in any coalition but
dismissed allegations that TNA has shortchanged URP.

See Also:UHURU furious with OBAMA for tapping his phone and those of MUSEVENI/ KAGAME-What could they be planing!!?

“In any coalition Government, there must be some misunderstanding; that is
normal, but that does not mean URP or Kalenjins are the losers in Jubilee
Coalition,” said Ruto.
The Deputy President also dismissed Alfred Keter’s call for URP to withdraw
from Jubilee, say ing URP is in Jubilee to stay and if any thing, it will be sorted
out right from within.
Ruto has been accused by a section of Kalenjin leaders led by URP rebel,
Alfred Keter, who faulted him for auctioning Kalenjins to Uhuru Kenyatta’s

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