
UoN student furious over KISS100 Caroline Mutoko's comment in relation to the University Demo.

Here is what he posted on FB group (NEW COMRADES FORUM) to express his anger over Mutoko's comment.
This manerless idiotic whore never learn from her mistakes...She poisoned Mutula Kilonzo with excessive viagra after some dark forces offered her money,what a bitch! Killing a bright lawyer..This carolyne vituko was and is stilldating one of the Atur brothers.(Atur margariany)...carolyne vitukois a female terrorist and Kimaiyo should investigate her conducts.This vituko tried Snatching Larry madowa,Larry rejected her squarely....This Mutuko was shut down by Sonko on a phone call interview,Mike Sonko called her a bitch! She was asking petty quetions..This Mutuko thinks that comrades are not wise,we have a right to peaceful demostration....those (policemen) who made peaceful protest impossible,madeviolent revolution inevitable.....What is Radio Africa?? Does Mutoko know that we have NEW COMRADES FORUM?? Who wants to listen to radio africa???Let her dare blacklist our bright journalist from being employed..Mutoko is a fool,she should go get married and mind her business,stepping on comrades toes is tantumount tocommitting suicide,aulize Kaimenyi! She is too minute/micro for comrades to fight.....we fight with institutions and not uselessindividuals like Carolyn whatever her name is! Last warning! Next time she opens her mouth aimlessly,comrades will bay for her blood!
Odoyo Mungah Senior

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