
CONFIRMED: MAINA NJENGA knew about the attack that killed 4 men and his WIFE

Monday May 26, 2014 - Pastors at
former Mungiki Leader, Maina Njenga’s
Hope International Ministry Church, have
described Saturday ’s gun attack on their
Bishop (Maina Njenga) that left four of his
men and wife dead as the work of the
Speaking on Sunday , the pastors led by
David Oketch and resident pastor, Peter Maingi, revealed that their Bishop
(Maina Njenga) knew about the attack and even prophesied about it last week.
“Chairman and our Bishop prophesied about his attack last week when he said
that the enemies were trailing him. He said the enemy , the devil is after the
righteous and we therefore condemn the attack”, said Pastor Oketch.
The pastors said they have faith in Maina Njenga because he is a true man of
God since he can foretell the future.
This comes even as the ex-Mungiki leader himself claimed Uhuru/ Ruto’s
Government was behind his assassination attempt last Saturday .
Maina Njenga survived the attack by a whisker only with a shoulder injury but
it is said he had a bullet proof vest

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