
A CORD Senator bust3d having S3X with a STR!PP3R. His name is....

Monday, 26 May 2014 - What’s
happening to some of our leaders in the
1 1 th Parliament? Over the weekend, an
outspoken CORD Senator, who has been
abusing the President in public rallies
with the recent one being in Bungoma,
was bust3d having s3x with a str!pp3r in a
city club.

See Also:Video!! SONKO and SHEBESH fighting at a bar …… Were these women hired?

Credible sources indicate that the fearless
Senator who regularly say s that he never fears death because everybody
must die, was treated to erotic dance moves by the str!pp3r before they
proceeded to a VIP room where they exchanged fluids till the wee hours of
the morning.
A waiter who spoke to our team under conditions of anonymity revealed that
he frequents the str!p club and he is guarded by his two bodyguards as the
str!pp3rs entertain him.
“He comes mostly on Saturdays and his two bodyguards are left salivating
as str!pp3rs belly-dance for him. He then proceeds to a VIP room where he
satisfies his manly needs. It’s a shame.”Added the source.
Other sources indicate that he rarely sleeps in his Runda home because he is
addicted to city prostitut3s. His wife is even planning to file for a divorce and
demand half of his wealth.
There you have it, those are the kind of leaders you Kenyans elected.

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