
Chicken Sold In Popular Global Restaurants Not Safe – Study


You might be ingesting poison by eating your favourite fried chicken from popular global food restaurants, a new study has revealed.

According to the study by The Pecking Order 2021, the overuse of antibiotics in chicken rearing has made the meat sold in the joints not safe.

An audit by the World Animal Protection found out that there are over 700,000 deaths annually caused or related to consuming antibiotics through animal products.

“Intensive farming methods also often rely on routine antibiotic use as a quick fix solution to keep stressed and sick animals alive,” reads the report in part.

The report points fingers at at least seven global fast-food restaurants with a presence in Africa, that do not adhere to animal welfare standards.

As compared to the European and Western markets, Africa lags behind with insufficient checks and balances which create a huge gap for excesses.

“For the first time, in addition to the global assessment, 14 local rankings have been also created to reflect the realities in different geographies,” noted the report.

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