
Waiguru's Deputy Caught Up in New Ksh138M Scandal

Kirinyaga County Deputy Governor Peter Ndambiri is under investigation by the Directorate of Criminal Investigation over alleged embezzlement of a Ksh 138 million donor-funded project.
The Ksh138 million was part of the Ksh 571 million Homeland Educational International project set up to support local students to learn online. Homeland is funded by DLAMS International, a non-governmental organisation. 
It was alleged that Ndambiri saved the money in offshore accounts registered under the names of his two children.
Ndambiri, Governor Anne Waiguru's deputy, refuted the claims stating that he invited the DCI to investigate the matter after reporting the theft of donor funds at the detectives' offices in Mwea, Kirinyaga.
He also denied reports that the funds were traced to his children's offshore accounts. Ndambiri detailed how he foiled a well-organised plan to embezzle the funds after Karoti Girls High School was singled out for the pilot project.
"The team (DLAMS) led by Professor Mwachodzi Mwachofi introduced themselves and I inquired whether he had all the required documentation and approvals from the Ministry of Education. I got suspicious about the dealings and reported the matter to the DCI. There was no money received or lost. The accusations are baseless and DCI Making arrests indicates I did what was required of me," Ndambiri defended in an interview with the Daily Nation.
DLAMS President Mwachodzi on his end notified the DCI that a number of his staff were arrested on Wednesday, June 3 for reportedly managing an unregistered company. 
He added that the suspects were detained for four days at Wang'uru Police Station and were later released on Ksh 2.4 million bonds. 
The case comes a few weeks after Kirinyaga Governor Anne Waiguru survived an impeachment case in Senate in June 2020, after she was accused by the County MCAs of corruption and gross violation of office. Ndambiri led the onslaught against Waiguru after Senate cleared the Governor.
Ndambiri defended the MCAs while accusing Waiguru of shielding behind politics to evade accountability. 
"It’s their responsibility to play an oversight role for the Executive. We don't want to hear that some MCAs are given a raw deal because of their political affiliations and for questioning the usage of development funds," Ndambiri stated on Thursday, July 2, during a burial ceremony at Mururi village in Mwea, Kirinyaga. 

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