
DIDMUS BARASA-RAILA is a witchdoctor

A vocal Luhya community MP has revealed how he approached Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) party leader, Raila Odinga, when he decided to contest for an MP’s seat in 2017.

Speaking on Thursday , Kimilili MP, Didmus Barasa, said he looked for Raila to strike a political deal in Kimilili after realising his chances of vying using a FORD Kenya ticket were minimal.

"I was in FORD Kenya and the person I was to send home was the party director of elections and one of the financiers so I realised I had no chance.”

“I looked for Baba (Raila) who assured me a direct ticket and we agreed on so many things which he was supposed to do for me.”
“He, however, started playing tricks like telling me to go see a man who a friend was assuring me that I should not worry about money since there was a way of doing it.”

“As a Catholic believer, I realised I was being taken through procedures of a witchdoctor and that marked our departure,” Barasa said.

He said after the incident, he abandoned ODM and opted for a Jubilee Party ticket on whose platform he was elected by Kimilili voters as their lawmaker.

Barasa, who has been on record referring to the former Prime Minister as a mganga (witchdoctor), claimed that he has evidence to prove that the Opposition leader was a believer in witchcraft.

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