
Kenyans will not vote in 2017 if I am not on the ballot – RAILA ODINGA

Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga has said he will make another stab at the Presidency in 2017 where he intends to teach President Uhuru Kenyatta and his Deputy, William Ruto, a lesson they will never forget for stealing his victory in 2013. Speaking during an interview with a vernacular radio station, Raila noted that he will battle with Wiper’s Kalonzo Musyoka and Ford Kenya’s Moses Wetangula for CORD’s ticket, saying he will show them dust. “Nothing will stop me from vying for President in 2017. If ODM nominates me as its candidate, I will go ahead to compete with Kalonzo and Wetangula for the CORD ticket and I am confident of beating them,” said Raila. In an indirect appeal to Kalonzo and Wetangula to step down in his favour as CORD’s Presidential candidate in 2017, the former PM warned that he must be on the ballot come 2017 otherwise Kenyans will not vote. “Kenyans may not have confidence in the ballot box if I am not in the ballot paper. That’s why we are going to consult our CORD partners interested in the top seat to leave it for me,” said Raila

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