
SHOCKING!!! KANYARI releases full LIST of fellow con pastors who are stealing in the name of GOD in Kenya

Here are the names;

  1. Bishop Allan Kiuna and his wife– The two con pastors have been in that business for over 10 years. The two live in opulence thanks to tithes and offerings from their gullible followers and money from their fake prayers.  They perform fake miracles to their followers who are mostly young confused Kenyans. Kiunas have turned the house of worship to a public air market where all sorts of business ranging from pyramids schemes are carried at their behest. He hires youths with very polished English to woo his followers.

  1. Pastor Nganga - Pastor Nganga is not new to controversy.  The pastor was the first to use potassium permanganate to convert water into blood. He is a master in the game of conman ship. He is also a visitor of Koinange Street at wee hours of the night.

  1. Pastor Muriithiof Mavuno Church is another controversial pastor – he uses the phrase “fake it till you make it” – He drives top of range cars and he lives in opulence. His wife uses more than sh 50,000 a day on cosmetics thanks to his gullible followers. He is also a fake pastor.

  1. Bishop Margaret Wanjiru– The controversial preacher cum politician has been making millions of money thanks to his stupid followers.  Wanjiru is currently constructing a monster twin tower along Haile Selassie Avenue thanks to proceeds from her fake miracle and prayers.

  1. Maina Njengaof Hope International Ministries – The former Mungiki leader is another fake pastor.  Everything which Maina does is all fake.

  1. Pastor Arthur Gitonga– Pastor Gitonga plies his trade at Redeemed Gospel Church in Huruma. The pastor has built his empire thanks to his gullible supporters. He is another fake pastor!

  1. Pastor Pius Muiru– He is a senior Pastor at Maximum Miracle Centre. Muiru is one of the oldest men in the trade and performs miracles at a price.

  1. Pastor Michael Njoroge - Pastor Njoroge of Fire Ministries has been nicknamed “pasta tapeli”.His church is a prostitution den and he usually sleeps with every woman who asks for his prayers.

  1. Pastor Wahome– He is the founder of Helicopter of God Ministries Church which is located within the City Centre. He is a polygamous man with a strong affinity for married women. He is another fake pastor.

  1. Pastor John Nduati of God’s Power Church along Thika Road. This man is pathetic. 97% of his preaching is all about money. This man is a copy cat of pastor Kanyari. He corroborates most of his financial begging with the verses in The Holy Bible. The man stage manages his miracles like Kanyari. He mostly dupes women from Dandora, Kariobangi , Baba Dogo and Huruma Estates

If you love God keep off from simple fake miracles that are ungodly ……You have been warned!There are so many good pastors in mainstream churches!

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