
ODM must form the next government in 2017 - Kidero

Nairobi Governor Evans Kidero has said ODM must form the next government in 2017 saying that the party has been robbed of victory twice.

“In 2007 we won but we were denied the victory, in 2017 we won but we were robbed of our victory. I can hear the people saying that this time round it is our turn to occupy State House,” Kidero said.

He was speaking at Homa Bay High School where he presided over a fundraiser in aid of the construction of a new dormitory. Early this year, three dormitories at the school were razed by an inferno leaving over 200 students in the cold.

“If we cannot enter State House through the front door, we will enter through the back door or through the window,” said Kidero.

He was hosted by Homa Bay Town MP Peter Kaluma. Rangwe MP George Oner, Karachuonyo MP James Rege and former Rangwe MP Martin Ogindo were also present during the fundraiser.

Kidero said that fundraisers in the region should continue to help spur development. He assured the Cord and ODM supporters that he is in ODM to stay and will work with party leader Raila Odinga.

Homa Bay MP Kaluma said ODM is intact and that there are no differences between the governor and the party leader.

“I want to tell our media not to portray ODM as if there is power struggle between our party leader and Kidero,” said Kaluma.

Oner said ODM is development oriented and any leader elected on the party ticket must ensure he serves those who voted for Raila.

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