
KABOGO swears to deal with the manner less DUALE ruthlessly!

Kiambu Governor, William Kabogo, has said he will sue Leader of Majority in Parliament, Aden Duale, for purportedly connecting him to the theft of Sh 300 million that has a place with Kiambu inhabitants.

Tending to a Press Conference in Kiambu town on Wednesday, Kabogo depicted Duale's comments as an affront to him and a
absence of appreciation to moms.

"Give us a chance to stop governmental issues of abuse. In the wake of expressing the words, he called me to say that it was a slip of the tongue. I will manage him legitimately," Kabogo said

SEE ALSO:Go hung,am with Raila Odinga and no one can separate us now,Martha Karua tell Kikuyus.

Talking at a capacity in Mara, Narok County on Monday, Duale denounced Bomet Representative Isaac Ruto, Kiambu Governor, William Kabogo, Muranga Governor, Mwangi wa Iria and Kisumu Governor, Jack Ranguma, of overlooking summons by the Senate to answer review questions.

Duale said the five Governors stole County stores and from there on disregarded Senate summons to reply to review inquiries

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