
Could it be that Midiwo was working with the dead!?

National Assembly Deputy Minority Leader furthermore Gem Member of Parliament, Jakoyo Midiwo, on Tuesday admitted to needing to confer a detestation with the burial ground
of President Uhuru Kenyatta's father, Mzee Jomo Kenyatta.

Talking at CID Headquarters when he escorted Siaya Senator and previous Lands Priest, James Orengo, to record a articulation over his inclusion in the area snatching in Lamu, Midiwo absolved
Orengo from accuse, saying he can't be blameworthy of area getting in light of the fact that on the off chance that he was, at that point he is as well.

He noted that Orengo is clean to the point that he even declined him from getting Jomo Kenyatta's cemetery while he was Lands Minister.

Midiwo uncovered that he approached Orengo to fashion archives for him to get Uhuru's father's cemetery and offer it to the most astounding bidder since it wasn't right to burry a dead man amidst the city.

Then again, Orengo declined cautioning him to never even consider it on the grounds that it was illicit and he would be captured and tormented for it. Additionally, it is an anathema to irritate the dead.

"Orengo can't be blameworthy of area getting on the grounds that on the off chance that he was, I would as well. I once requested that him provide for me Jomo Kenyatta's grave for me to offer it, yet he cautioned me it was a detestation, illicit and awful. Additionally, I would be captured for it," said

Midiwo's admission shocks no one at all since his connection with the dead extends back in the days when he was in the US, where he was a funeral home chaperon and funeral car driver.

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