
Finaly Musalia Mudavadi backs up Raila Odinga

United Democratic Forum (UDF) party pioneer, Musalia Mudavadi, has reverberated previous PM, Raila Odinga's sentiments that the current issues confronting Kenyans are a direct result of two communities.

In an announcement he issued on Monday morning, Mudavadi, who is likewise the Amani Coalition Party Leader, said his prompt on comprehensiveness in broad daylight arrangements does not mean the opposition looks for consideration in the Jubilee Government.

Mudavadi said he made those suggestions in light of the fact that there is ethnic pressure in the nation , which may deteriorate into ethnic clash because of  Uhuru/Ruto favoring Kalenjin and Kikuyu groups communities in public appointments.

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“That is not the issue. Far from it. Public appointments are not a favour to
Kenyans but their right. My sentiment is not political but based on the
demands of the constitution,” Mudavadi said.
"I didn't put forth this expression for or against any Kenyan community ," Mudavadi added.

Mudavadi urged the Jubilee Government to strictly actualize Article 130(2) of the constitution obliging that the structure of the official reflects provincial and ethnic differences .

“Jubilee must also consider the diversity that in Kenya because many
Kenyans believe it is violating Article 232, requiring employment in public
service to reflect regional balance,” Mudavadi said.

On Saturday amid the internment of previous Lugari MP, Cyrus Jirongo's mother Selina, Mudavadi said Government arrangements ought to be comprehensive and reflect all Kenyan communities.

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