
UHURU to visit RAILA ODINGA’s LUO Nyanza on Saturday thanks to ODM’s DALMAS

Rongo Member of Parliament, Dalmas Otieno,
will this weekend host President Uhuru
Kenyatta in his constituency .
Dalmas, who has been name-tagged a
rebel in ODM and Uhuru/ Ruto’s mole, has
intentionally invited President Kenyatta
to Nyanza to spite former Prime Minister Raila Odinga and to make his
intention to ditch ODM loud and clear.
This comes amid the anticipated launch of his Kalausi Party whose aim is to
liberate Luo Nyanza from Odingaism and sweep off ODM’s influence in the

See Also:RAILA ODINGA now reveals there will be no revolution-he was just scaring UHURU/ RUTO
According to organizers of Uhuru’s visit to Nyanza, tracks have been hired to
ferry people to Rongo to cheer the President in order to avoid embarrassing
the Head of State.
School heads too have been instructed to ferry students and pupils to Uhuru’s
function in Rongo to fill up the venue and cheer the President.
Uhuru is expected to inspect a number of development projects in the
constituency as well as launch new ones thanks to his good friendship with

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