
Find out the MAIN reason why Raila Odinga cancelled his CORD rallies in Kisii and Nakuru.

On Thursday ,  Raila Odinga called off his CORD rallies in Kisii on Friday and another in Nakuru on
Sunday to the utter amazement of numerous , considering he had promised the day preceding that CORD rallies will happen as arranged and not even Uhuru/ Ruto’s Government or the terror attacks in Mpeketoni would stop them.

In an announcement to the press, Raila affirmed that he wiped out the Kisii rally to permit the continuous fights for the parliamentary by -election in Bonchari, while the Nakuru rally was wiped out to permit Kenyans to grieve the victimized people of the destructive Mpeketoni ambushes which happened right on time in the week.

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Be that as it may, sources told Daily News-Kenya that none of the reasonsgiven by Raila Odinga was the reason for the dropping of the CORD revitalizes.

The mole implied that the previous PM dreaded he may be booed, pestered andindeed humiliated in Kisii and Nakuru after pioneers made it clear he was definitely not welcome in the two Counties.

On Monday , previous Foreign Affairs Minister Sam Ongeri promised never to permitRaila to set foot in Kisii with his CORD rallies and even impelled Kisiis to boy cott them.

A comparable thing happened in Nakuru when Mps headed by Kimani Njunjiri andGovernor Kinuthia in addition to the whole Assembly advised Raila to keep off Nakuru for his own good on the grounds that they won't permit him to instigate inhabitants like he is doing to rest of Kenyans.

All these consolidated incited Raila Odinga to cancel the revitalizes to evade deplorable occurrences or shames.

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