
See what Alfred Mutua told Raila Odinga.

CORD rebel,Alfred Mutua, has reprimanded Raila Odinga and Vice President, Kalonzo Musyoka, to stop threatening him after his stand against CORD rallies.

Talking during a meeting with the media today, Mutua, who is likewise the Machakos Governor, said he has no misgiving for banning CORD revives in his

Province and for advising Kambas to kid cott them.The enterprising Mutua noted that he doesn't fear Raila Odinga and Kalonzo Musyoka and none, of these does he fear losing his seat in view of his political stand,saying he will keep working for the populace of Machakos at the cost of Raila/ Kalonzo or political exercises regardless of the possibility that it means losing his seat as governor in 2017 .

"I won't lament losing my seat for separating my self from CORD rallies being fronted by Raila and Kalonzo. Indeed, I don't fear them whatsoever. My individuals chose me to work for them and I will yield everything, including my seat, for them in the event that I need to," said Mutua.

In April, Kalonzo cautioned Mutua to quit working with President Uhuru Kenyatta and his Deputy , William Ruto, or else he will lose his seat as

Senator for Machakos.

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