
Turning the tables around! ANNE WAIGURU LOVE SCANDLE!

 Two weeks prior, Igembe Central MP, Mithika Linturi, dropped a denunciation movement against Devolution Cabinet Secretary , Anne Waiguru, whom he blamed for supporting tribalism and nepotism in her Ministry .

This came after President Uhuru Kenyatta and his Deputy , Willliam Ruto, interceded and urged Linturi to either drop the rebuke movement or be dislodged from the Jubilee union.

In any case as per whispers in political loops, Linturi's rebuke movement against Waiguru had nothing to do with tribalism or nepotism in her office however other individual issues.

This was uncovered by a senior TNA MP who said Linturi's rebuke movement against Waiguru was after an "adoration bargain" gone sharp. The MP said in March this y ear, Linturi welcomed Waiguru for an "espresso date" in a top inn around the local area however Waiguru turned down the offer say ing "she has no time for jokers and pennyless administrators'

This SMS chafed Linturi, who has various randy cases in his town furthermore undermined Waiguru with a rebuke movement for not tolerating his requests.

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"You will be the first CS to be reprimanded in Jubilee Alliance," Linturi purportedly told Waiguru through a SMS.

Without hesitation,Waiguru told Linturi to go on with his impeachment motion,and that she (Waiguru) was not ready to trade her body for political favors.

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